Kundalini | Vine TossUtakame on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/utakame/art/Kundalini-Vine-Toss-1107866869Utakame

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Kundalini | Vine Toss



After successfully ringing the bell in the strength test, Kundalini decides to test her aiming skills in the Vine toss.

Features: Kundalini

Autumn of Year 332, Blooming Territories - Carnival

Image size
1200x964px 1.03 MB
© 2024 Utakame
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ElysiumAdmin's avatar

Gemstones Earned: 70

Items Found? Small Monster Scales (x3)

Random Event: None

Kundalini gathers her rings as the attendee steps aside. She gives you a big smile before cheering 'Okay! Feel free to start!'

Kundalini's first ring snags the root on the top of the pyramid for 10pts! What a start! Her the second ring earns her 5 pts, the third 5 pts, and the last earns her 3 pts!

She scores a total of 23 pts!

'You have a sharp eye and good aim! Congrats!' The mare grins before handing over your prize.

Kundalini earns 23 tickets!