Utakame on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/utakame/art/Kundalini-The-Northern-Trail-P3-1112835939Utakame

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Kundalini | The Northern Trail P3




Kundalini faces her worst fear...heights with a void of darkness hiding the bottom. Upon rounding the corner she is faced with a daunting scar in the earth, stretching endlessly through the forest. To face her fear, she must leap with faith.

"I believe I can fly, I believe I can fly, I believe...I...CAN-"

Features: Kundalini

Autumn of Year 332, Blooming Territories - Carnival

Image size
1500x1125px 1.21 MB
© 2024 Utakame
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ElysiumAdmin's avatar

Gemstones Earned: 66

Items Found? Large Monster Bones (x2)

Random Event: None

Your heart rings in your ears, your breath is short and your head is swimming. It feels like you’ve fallen into your worst nightmare but then it comes back to you…you’re just walking on a TRAIL! You fight through your nerves and the terror in your mind to hurry past the horror in front of you.

You lunge with all your strength to clear the endless pit, hooves landing on firm ground and carrying you as far away from that pit as they can! Logically you realize that the move was silly, as if that illusion could hurt you...right? Regardless, you leave this figment of terror behind you as you press on through the trail!