ursulav on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ursulav/art/Number-17-Susan-82582482ursulav

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Number 17 -- Susan


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This is completely unrelated to anything. There are not sixteen others, nor can I conceive of a reality in which there might BE sixteen others. I was just in one of those moods and had been looking at a lot of rock posters and...uh...yeah.

"Monsters in the well" is how I once describe the weird things that lurk in the bottoms of our brains* and...err...apparently this is one of them.

It is not named after any of the Susans I know, it just kinda looked like a Susan.

Digital, prints available, send a note or visit [link] for details.

*If you really want to track the references down, it's at [link] in the middle of a rambling blog post about fan fiction.
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707x900px 107.65 KB
© 2008 - 2024 ursulav
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MonstersandMayhem's avatar
The description made me LOL. And I did laugh out loud.