Hadrosaur Mittensursulav on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ursulav/art/Hadrosaur-Mittens-105960480ursulav

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Hadrosaur Mittens


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It's gotten cold here, and I've had to break out my coat and Cool Hat(tm)* so I was inspired to do a brief little piece of one of my little hadrosaurs, decked out for cold weather with ear muffs and a stylish tail warmer. (What with the return of leg warmers, I am beginning to think that a giant asteroid will be required to kill the eighties.)

Of course, I finish this yesterday, and when I go to upload it today, after weeks of frosty weather, it's 70-frickin'-degrees out, because North Carolina likes to mess with your head.

Maybe I'll wear my Cool Hat anyway. TAKE THAT, WEATHER!

Anyway! 6 x 6 or thereabouts, on 8 x 8 bristol, original is for sale, prints are available, send a note or visit [link]

*My Cool Hat is the least cool hat in the history of the world, a floppy broad-brimmed checkerboard fleece, and makes me look like an elderly hippie matron--you know, the kind who gets kicked out the Red Hat Society for smoking weed--but by god, it is WARM. My stepfather swears that someday he will get it away from me and burn it, then sow the ashes with salt.
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© 2008 - 2025 ursulav
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