ursulav on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ursulav/art/Feral-Strawberry-of-Appomattox-53198810ursulav

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Feral Strawberry of Appomattox


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A low-growing groundcover that escaped from cultivation, the feral strawberries of Appomattox pose a menace to both livestock and unwary travelers. Almost every native has had the experience of reaching down for an appealingly plump berry and instead getting a nasty bite from the oversized seed-teeth. More rare is the experience of walking into a seemingly innocent clump of vegetation, and then hearing the low, ominous growls of the berries from all directions.

At least one fatality has been reported.

Herbicides are singularly ineffective against the feral strawberries--scientists cite their ability to hold their breath for up to a week--and the only sure-fire cure for an infestation is to borrow a herd of goats for a week.


I had this wee little chunk of cradled 6 x 6 clayboard, and wanted to do a miniature painting on it. The feral strawberry seemed like good scale. Since I've still got another couple of that size laying around, maybe I'll have to do a couple others. (Ravenous grapes? Savage cherries?)

Original 6 x 6 mixed media is for sale. (on 2-inch gallery cradled clayboard, can be hung as is.) Prints are available for $10 plus shipping--send a note or visit [link] for details!
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353x350px 53.32 KB
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