Digger Cover 9ursulav on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ursulav/art/Digger-Cover-9-84716083ursulav

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Digger Cover 9


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Straightforward little piece--this is the cover for chapter 9 of my webcomic "Digger." (I always have this urge to get too complicated on the covers--most of it's covered by text ANYWAY--so I managed to fight myself down to a fairly simple portrait on this one.) This character is named Murai, and she's a washed out member of a theocratic order called the Veiled. She's also barking mad. Nice kid, though.

Prints are available for $10 and $20 plus shipping, and you can read the vast wombat epic (or at least the 200+ pages that are non-subscription!) at [link]
Image size
520x650px 90.76 KB
© 2008 - 2025 ursulav
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Loki-GodOfTricks's avatar
Oh dear. What's she so annoyed about?