ursulav on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ursulav/art/Biting-Bunny-Pear-87262430ursulav

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Biting Bunny Pear


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A very quick little 5 x 7 for the AC art show.

Weirdly enough, I hadn't ever really re-painted the Biting Pear before,* despite the fact that it got loose on the internet and became something of a phenomenon. (It writes home now and again. I occasionally get photos of it protesting Scientology. I feel good about that.) However, I've had a few people ask for sketches of the pear at conventions (and a couple who want photos of themselves with me and the Pear, who are apparently delighted to have found the original creator.)

Still, getting ready to go to AC, and thinking about fursuits and things that wear animal costumes and...um. Feels like I'm doing fan art of my own stuff, somehow, but there you are.

(Look, I get WEIRD before an art show, okay? Just go with it...)

5 x 7 mixed media, a wee little piece, which will be for sale at the AC art show, unless somebody wants to make me an offer. Prints are available, for $10 plus shipping.

*There's a tiny one off in the distance of the "Great Eggplant" painting, but that's it.
Image size
348x500px 51.96 KB
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