B is for . . .ursulav on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ursulav/art/B-is-for-19977844ursulav

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ursulav's avatar

B is for . . .



Binturongs are Asiatic bearcats, a jungle-dwelling weaselly creature that resembles, more or less, an arboreal wolverine with a prehensile tail and whisker issues. Also, they smell like popcorn. No kidding. Rangy, gamy, somewhat musky popcorn, I'll grant you, popcorn that could use a little deodorant, really INTENSE popcorn that needs a shower something fierce--but popcorn. Go to the zoo and sniff the binturongs. It's popcorn. Nature is cool.

This was the hardest of the three. It's also arguably the simplest, but I kept doing and redoing the composition, and changing the text, and gnashing my teeth. Finally, I did this one, and got the binturong's expression right. And that was all I needed. Everything fell into place after that. If I redid it, I could do the composition any number of ways, I could do anything with the bunnies, but I'd want to keep the poor bewildered binturong's expression.

Anyway! We have prints! In fact, we have a whole print SET! For a mere $20 plus shipping, you can get A, B, and C all together ($10 savings off buying 'em seperately) in small, or for $50 and shipping, all three in jumbo. Great for kids! Great for people expecting kids! Great for libraries! Great for people with large vocabularies who like obscure animals, which I suspect forms a striking majority of my audience! Send a note! We will also have the sets at Anthrocon, so visit the dealer table (hell, visit anyway and say hi!)
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© 2005 - 2025 ursulav
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spbv147's avatar
this is cute as hell :)