Roger Sterlingurban-barbarian on DeviantArt

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urban-barbarian's avatar

Roger Sterling



9"X12" Pencil, Ink, Watercolor

Most people aspire to be like Don Drapper. Not me. Don't get me wrong, Don is one cool cat - but for some reason I think Roger has things pretty well figured out. Does he make mistakes? Yes. Plenty. However the consequences don't seem to shake him much.

Bruce Lee said, "Be like water."

I say, "Be like Roger."

[ Btw, I have Daily Sketch online store you can pick this up at. Might make a great gift for your neighbor's sixth grader or your aunt. Check this [link] out. ]
Image size
999x768px 632.33 KB
© 2012 - 2025 urban-barbarian
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sketchiest-ink's avatar
I fell into this show maybe a year ago and am all caught up on Netflix and can't wait for the rest of this show.