upwaut on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/upwaut/art/Larp-Chaos-Alchemy-977779283upwaut

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Larp Chaos Alchemy



Bottles of dubious content, poisons, potions and draughts that no decent knight in his right mind would even touch. The shrunken elf´s head in the jar is another hint that the owner oft this alchemist´s shop is not one of the good guys. The manikin´s hand can perform a number of magical gestures, thus aiding an evil wizard with his unspeakable rituals.
No larp event manages without magic potions. The small ones in the foreground are merchandise the adventurers can acquire when they visit the shop and get out again alive.
Off-the-shelf bottles and small vessels have been changed into larp-equipment. The idea is to convey an impression of evil fantasy magic potions.
A main trait for this is to "soil" the modern, super-clear glass with acrylic paint. Which will not adhere to glass. So what you do is first "paint" the glass with glue (water-resistant, transparent drying). The glue will sufficiently cling to the glass surfaces, reduce transparency and can be painted with thinned acrylics.
As these bottles and potions are not meant for opening or drinking, everything was sealed watertight with corks, more glue, string and acrylic paint. As content I used food dye, wine, barbeque sauce, Fanta (the purple ones), spices and dead insects (bodies found in the garage, no insects were harmed for this larp-project). All mixed togther to get the colours and consistency I wanted.
And I sincerely hope that the players will only imply to drink them.
One more thing: transport. On the journey to the game I`ll store them in a watertight plastic box and keep them from scraping against each other by wrapping them idividually in kitchen paper. Thus they´ll arrive intact and with unscratched paint.
Postscript: not all containers proved watertight. More glue and in some cases a layer of wax solved the problem.
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