KirinDogs CYOA Prompt #4 - 1031 by uotterbe, literature
KirinDogs CYOA Prompt #4 - 1031
The path through the crystal caves was beautiful, yes, but Cordelia found herself turned around or at a dead end more often than she would have liked. She kept the map handy and made notes as she went, trying her best not to backtrack. At least it was beautiful, she thought to herself, as the crystals seemed to glow all by themselves. There was little light in the caves, but what did filter in through small cracks in the ceiling hit the crystals at just the right angle to light them up. They were all different colors, too, and Cordelia couldn't be upset with herself for choosing this path because of it. The experience was worth it in her eyes even if it was taking her longer than she had hoped to reach the elusive shrine. She almost thought for a moment that perhaps it would be better to turn back and take one of the paths Lingxin had mentioned to her, but just then, she saw light up ahead. And it wasn't one of the crystals either! She could hardly contain her excitement as she walked
KirinDogs CYOA Prompt #3 - 1031 by uotterbe, literature
KirinDogs CYOA Prompt #3 - 1031
Cordelia apprehensively opened an eyelid to peek up at the statue where she'd left the offering. She looked around briefly. No swirling mists, no light from heaven coming down from parted clouds in the sky. Had her offering not been enough? Or perhaps the statue was too long since forgotten, the spirit to which it had been dedicated long gone to more appreciative subjects. She closed her open eye and sighed deeply. She'd have to figure something out to help Lingxin. She hoped at least to have gotten some guidance... anything. She'd likely have to take the young tanuki to her brother Wei, but would her broken leg survive the journey? Even if Cordelia carried her the movement might cause too much pain.
Her eyes remained closed as she sat quietly with her thoughts. She didn't want to leave Lingxin alone for too long. As she prepared to return to her friend spiritually and literally empty-handed she heard the tanuki's voice cry out. She rushed over to Lingxin's side, only to see her
KirinDogs CYOA Prompt #2 - 1031 by uotterbe, literature
KirinDogs CYOA Prompt #2 - 1031
Cordelia nodded solemnly as she watched the gathered villagers. They were able to save half of their stores, not nearly as much as she had hoped. Perhaps another path would have allowed them to fare better... but, no matter, there was no use dwelling on the past. She could do nothing but move forward. Something was still better than nothing and she hoped her plan had been adequate enough for the village to survive the upcoming winter. She regrouped with the village elders with the hen Qin Zan at her side. Cordelia nodded appreciatively at their thanks, but something Cui Tai said caught her interest. He spoke of a long forgotten shrine that had been left unattended. She didn't have much time to consider his words as Qin Zan at her side dismissed his claims once again. The village elders offered one last thanks and a parting meal, and Cordelia bid them fairwell as she set off.
Her path took her further up the mountain. It was getting colder out, and Cordelia pulled out a cloak from
KirinDogs CYOA Prompt #1 - 1031 by uotterbe, literature
KirinDogs CYOA Prompt #1 - 1031
Cordelia awoke to the breeze rustling her whiskers. It easily lifted the delicate fur there and tossed it about, causing it to tickle her snout. She defiantly tried to keep her eyes shut, hoping nature would cut her a break and allow her to return to her nap, but she had no such luck. She opened her eyes with a loud dejected sigh. She slowly brought her front paws up so that she was sitting on her butt instead of the comfortable position she had been laying. She gave her head a shake to try and settle her wind-blown whiskers and keep them out of her nostrils. She cursed the wind, but quickly took it back, as her blue-green eyes set themselves on the sky. The wind was nothing compared to what could have woken her up - incoming rain! She was fond of water, but on her own terms, and the small tree she'd come to rest under would be no adequate shelter for what seemed to be brewing in the sky. It was no light drizzle on the horizon... It was going to pour.
She wasn't exactly close to
Adventure 3 - Dee, Fallon, Fitz by uotterbe, literature
Adventure 3 - Dee, Fallon, Fitz
Delilah let out a long drawn out sigh. Usually she had an abundance of patience, it was why she was hailed as an excellent caretaker for Hlif-Vindr, but today she felt her reserves seemingly running low. Around her, Fallon and Fitz bounded after one another, tackling each other and rolling among the grass. Shouts of glee accompanied barks and yips as the two wrestled under Delilah's watchful eye. She had to move her way out of their path of terror more than once. The children of Hverfa and Wheep were growing up quickly. They were swiftly approaching their adolescence, and these two in particular, seemed to be growing at a rate that Delilah found it hard to keep up with. They shared their father's brute stature as opposed to their mother's dwarf one, and both were close to being as tall as their caretaker! It was why she only had these two with her today, handling the entire brood of Wheep and Hverfa's pups was simply out of the question for her now. Soon they'd be off to begin their
Adventure 2 - Pidge, Nath, Fallon by uotterbe, literature
Adventure 2 - Pidge, Nath, Fallon
Fallon was practically bouncing off the walls of the den as soon as the morning light had begun to filter in. Wheep and Hverfa had been playing chicken to see which would get up to tend to their daughter, and Hverfa was the first to break. He mumbled something under his breath and he lazily got up, and he watched his partner give him a wry smile from where she still lay, comfortable, and with her eyes closed. Next time it'd be her turn! He decided with a small laugh and shake of his head. Fallon, having seen her dad awake, attempted to tackle him. She ran into the big brute with a thud, temporarily dazed from the impact. Hverfa took the opportunity to grab her by her scruff so that he could carry her outside the den without her waking any of their sleeping packmembers or, more importantly, her many siblings. He wanted to give his mate as much sleep as he could. He dropped Fallon off outside the rocky den and headed off towards where she'd be meeting her babysitters for the day. She
Adventure 1 - Pidge, Nath, Fallon by uotterbe, literature
Adventure 1 - Pidge, Nath, Fallon
Pigeon and Nathrae lay cuddled up beside one another, their long wispy coats intertwined and making a lovely pattern of silvers and reds. The pair had a quiet day ahead of them. Both had decided to take a break from their duties to spend some much needed time together. The pack had been busy with the changing of the seasons, and Nathrae and Pigeon were included in that. Nathrae guarding the borders and Pigeon keeping an eye out for anyone who might be in need of help. But, today, there were no duties - the pair had planned to sleep in, get some breakfast, and set out for a long relaxing walk through the forest. The day would be a lovely romantic one, and it was something the couple was looking forward to.
Delilah was busy keeping an eye on Hverfa and Wheep's children. There were many, and they were more than a pawful! Delilah found herself losing track of them as she tried to keep them in her sights. It certainly didn't seem to help that her eyesight was not the best, especially in
Fishing Roll 2 - Ruto, Dee, Hlita by uotterbe, literature
Fishing Roll 2 - Ruto, Dee, Hlita
The day fishing had taken it out of the small group of three that consisted of Ruto, Delilah, and Hlita. Even though Delilah had stayed clear of the water, she too was exhausted even though she'd only reeled in a handful of fish from her line. It must of have been the summer sun! Now that it was beginning to set the day was cooling down considerably. Their fishing basket was also relatively full so Ruto made the final call to head back to the dock for some much needed rest. She and Delilah helped Hlita return to the boat with much effort - the water had made him a lot heavier than he was when they started their journey! They began to prepare to set off for home, and Hlita pulled up the anchor while Ruto and Delilah got everything else in order. It wasn't long after they departed from Ruto's favorite fishing spot that the silver female began to grow increasingly more uneasy. Hlita and Delilah did not sense what she did, they did not share her experience with the sea.
Ruto could see a
Fishing Roll 1 - Ruto, Dee, Hlita by uotterbe, literature
Fishing Roll 1 - Ruto, Dee, Hlita
Ruto adjusted the ropes that held her small fishing vessel tied to the docks at the Village of Hearth. Around her the village was bustling with activity. Many felvargs were coming and going, selling wares, and offering goods for trade. Not only were they members of Ruto's pack, but the regular villagers who lived here as well. It was certainly a change for her, as she had resigned to a mostly solitary life. It wasn't until an unlikely encounter had swayed her and caused her to commit herself to the pack's cause. She had saved someone from Hlif-Vindr from a near drowning in her small boat, and from then on, was convinced that perhaps there was more purpose to her life than fishing and drinking. Her two favorite things, of course, and its not like she had to give them up - they were still her favorite pass times! She just made sure to also keep an eye out for lit lanterns or the occasional not-so-good swimmer who got pulled in by the heavy current of the sea. She was preparing for a