unusualsuspex on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/unusualsuspex/art/Aeroshuttle-class-ortho-408871190unusualsuspex

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Aeroshuttle class ortho


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A couple of slightly different orthos in that while we may have (briefly) seen them on screen, it's never been for long enough to recognize them. In this case, an auxiliary craft that was seen many, many times but never EVER used on screen; USS Voyager's Aeroshuttle. It was always there on the ventral surface of Voyager's primary hull but not once used!!! 

There are all sorts of retcons for its non-use, but I could never figure out why Tom Paris would go to the trouble of fabricating a new and untested "Delta Flyer" when this baby was there ready to be overhauled, and flight-prepped??

Answers on a postcard...

Aeroshuttle class - SFSY
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Hardcorev20's avatar
Probably because the Aeroshuttle wouldn't fit in the shuttle bay where they would have to do the modifications also doing stuff with EVA gear and simulating zero gravity? That's a bitch to do and extremely expensive.