Star Wars and Star Trek have been a major part of my life since they first appeared and I've played in their respective sandboxes ever since :)
I'm not a particularly talented artist but I do have fun and hope you enjoy as well :D
If you DO like what you see and you'd like a commission done, send me a note and we'll discuss it :)
"There are those who look at the world the way it is and ask 'Why?' I dream things that never were and ask 'Why not?'"
-Robert F. Kennedy
Current Residence: Norfolk, UK
deviantWEAR sizing preference: XL
Favourite genre of music: Mood dependant!
Operating System: Human
Favourite cartoon character: Col. James “Dash” Derringer
Personal Quote: If God had meant me to be stick thin, he wouldn't have invented MacDonalds now, would he?