UntalentedArtist on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/untalentedartist/art/HPMOR-Ch-88-Ron-Go-383945117UntalentedArtist

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HPMOR Ch 88 Ron - Go.



"Harry!" Neville burst out. "Harry, Mr. Hagrid's right, you can't, this could all be a trap, they could be after you -"

All of Neville's muscles went rigid and he toppled to the ground, stiff as a board.

A pale-looking Ron Weasley stepped out from behind Neville, his own wand level, and said, "Go."

- Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, by Eliezer Yudkowsky

(Not bad for a character that, almost immediately upon introduction, was declared by the main character as not having a reason to exist.)
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TechZeroPyro's avatar
I loved that moment.

But the podcast really ruined it with the ridiculous voice he gave Ron.