Prince Blueblood - Prince Charmlessunoservix on DeviantArt

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Prince Blueblood - Prince Charmless



haha okay wow that took forever, turns out when you're off playing grownup, you don't have time to make big dumb My Little Pony song mashup comics

anyways i have been pretty well out of the pony loop for a while so have an idea that i had months ago and never got around to actually finishing until now. also, you are now introduced to the incredibly hilaribad movie from which this song came, and you can thank me for that at your convenience.

also in my headcanon Rarity is from Pittsburgh and her father is Mike Ditka but he is a pony and there's nothing you can do about it.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (c) Lauren Faust, Hasbro, et al
"Prince Charmless" (c) ...UAV Corporation? Lionsgate? the public domain? certainly not me
Ponyville road background (c) :icondrewdini:
Twilight's library vector (c) :iconboneswolbach:
scroll vector (c) :iconm99moron:
Canterlot background (c) :iconhawk9mm:
banner vectors (c) :iconvectorshy:
Equestrian flag vector (c) :iconbb-k:
alicorn amulet vectors (c) :iconfureox: and :iconmewtwo-ex:
elements of harmony vector (c) :icongrievousfan:
got the idea for Blueblood's armor from here

as always, feel free to make recordings and such, as long as you send me a link so i can show everyone else.

EDIT 8/5: that didn't take long! have the song part of the comic set to the song by :iconrandina42:

EDIT 8/8: and have the entire comic voiced by :iconmrkyuubi:

EDIT 11/9/2014: eeeeeee have the song part of the comic by :iconmonstersintheclosets:
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1280x17000px 11.65 MB
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KikiBelliBoo's avatar

I blame Rainbow Dash.