unlobogris on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/unlobogris/art/Torosaurus-50649821unlobogris

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unlobogris's avatar




Torosaurus latus. Old request by Leviarex.
I have been trying new ways of colouring, but still using the same technic, so the result can look a bit ...strange, but it doesn't look all bad for me.
Btw, the colour pattern is similar to my other ceratopsians, but it's the result of thinking "herds", "colour vision", "sexual selection" and "antelopes". I always fall in similar patterns that way >.<
Image size
1002x568px 187.79 KB
© 2007 - 2024 unlobogris
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DrJre77's avatar
I love your work buddy! I are are helpful for making sculptures as well! I printed this pic out as a reference for sculpting the head. this pic is in the background of a pic I shared on Instagram,and I was wondering if you were on there so I can credit you so others can find your work.