UnidColor on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/unidcolor/art/Halloween-2012-331236376UnidColor

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Halloween 2012


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Anyone else enjoying fall as much as me?, I always kinda want to paint something related to it every years I think.
Definitely my favorite season.

Feel free to DL larger version.

Oh my god! so many comments, thanks everyone and
im super glad you all like it so much! I dont know
how to begin answering them all!

Here is some answer:

This was done in photoshop.

I was working in it for abit over a week, how many hours I don't know exact, But probably 25+ hours or more (so hard to keep track on time when painting).

Ofcourse for those who wants, feel free to use it as wallpaper.
Image size
4800x2637px 1.38 MB
© 2012 - 2024 UnidColor
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Gemalt.... Hammer!!! (y)