UnidColor on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/unidcolor/art/Green-Forest-202662508UnidColor

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UnidColor's avatar

Green Forest



Just a simple piece I guess, it serve no true purpose more than something I wanted to paint, so nothing fancy concept wise, nor mutch of a storytelling picture.

But I hope that's fine,

After doing an fast sketch of the scene with a simple brush I added alot of photo textures of woods and vegetation on top,and than continued painting right over,
Its speeds things up and gives a slighty different look, and its more fun that way.
Image size
3060x1886px 5.26 MB
© 2011 - 2024 UnidColor
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carlmao's avatar

It's curious how this really remind me of "Craig of the Creek", while the show was released in 2018...

they picked some inspirations on deviantart i guess

good work tho