AtlantisUnidColor on DeviantArt

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UnidColor's avatar




For this weeks Enviroment of the week challange entry on

Edit: I uploaded a new bigger file here incase u want it as a wallpaper.

Go and click on the download button to get the full version of it, you will have to crop and resize it yourself, also it can be fun to just check it out in full size.

(Just to let you know, I dont work at full size, I tend to have a rather big document, but I working zoomed out at about 25% when I normally paint, so yeh its not suppose to viewed at full size=D)

The picture you see now above this text (asume u clicked on it and is full size) is probably the size I work in when im putting im more details (small details I zoom in abit more), else in the very beginning I can work even smaller.

Working zoomed out is generally better for enviroments, not needed to go super detailed.
Image size
2562x1857px 1.26 MB
© 2009 - 2025 UnidColor
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Invader-Franky's avatar
Absolutely beautiful. However the water falls on the left should be casting more shade on the bottom left portion, which would also emphasize the city proper.