UnicornBaby on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/unicornbaby/art/Crying-Dove-343978098UnicornBaby

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UnicornBaby's avatar

Crying Dove



I made this drawing to express what I felt about Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Sadly so many shootings later and nothing has changed since yet. If you want to use this image to wipe the tears of senseless acts of violence and put a stop to this, contact me through deviantart to authorize its use.

Hice este dibujo para expresar lo que sentí sobre el tiroteo de la Escuela Primaria de Sandy Hook. Tristemente despues de tantos tiroteos y nada a cambiado todavia.
Si quieres usar esta imaginen para enjugar las lágrimas causadas por actos de violencia sin sentido y poner un fin a esto, pónte en contacto conmigo por medio de deviantart para autorizar su uso.
Image size
2048x1536px 128.47 KB
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GeorgeFah's avatar
So your still around Unicornbaby?