Seii - {Plant Life}UnhappyMoustache on DeviantArt

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UnhappyMoustache's avatar

Seii - {Plant Life}



I've been longing for,
Daisies to push through the floor,
And I wish plant life would grow all around me,
So I won't feel dead anymore.

This is the most I've uploaded all year omg. Don't expect me to keep this up :P
I even drew a character of mine this time! And it's not a chibi!! I... should've stuck with the chibis omg >.>

This is my baby Seii who I play on :iconwolf-mountain-rpg: he is a pretty blue loser and I love him a lot ^^" I really don't know what else to put here. The "pretty blue loser" bit is really the most important thing here.

Seii & art belong to me.
Image size
960x660px 429.52 KB
© 2014 - 2024 UnhappyMoustache
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Vukaesin's avatar
omg what a dear