
A Writer's Commandments

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UndiscoveredMuse's avatar

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1. Thou shalt remember thy purpose of writing. Never forget why thou wanted to beest a writer.

2. Thou shalt not plagiarize another writer's work. It's disgusting.

3. Thou shalt remember thou art human. Humans maketh mistakes.

4. When thou shalt face rejection or failure, ALWAYS rise up again. Persistence is the force that helps us climbeth the pillars to success.

5. Thou shalt devoteth thyself to thou's craft wholeheartedly. How serious art thou about thy writing, HMMM???

6. Respect thy fellow writers, for their acknowledgement is thy true validation.

7. Thou shalt not deny one's creativity or be ashamed of thy quirkiness. Thou may seem insane, but all geniuses seem so.

8. Thou shalt strive to BLOW MINDS and KICK ASS!

9. When thou hath reached thy definition of success, (I.e become published, acknowledged by all) thou shalt dance like a spaz and feel like a rock star.

Felt the need to do something interesting for my daily writing exercise. Heck, I don't even know if I used archaic English right. Forgive me if I insult an individual or two. I am more than open to correction. I decided to write the thoughts I try to live by for my dreams of becoming a writer. If you think it's stupid, I won't hold it against you. I had fun doing this though. Got a bit of a laugh, and figured that I'd like to share it. (Even though I have no idea what category this goes under. Sorry)

If you disagree with any of them, do leave a comment below and tell me your thoughts which I yearn to hear, and tell me what principles YOU live by.
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loni-yuki's avatar
I *writing hand over heart* as a writer shall commend to these commandments. ( that was great!)