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One alicorn spotted her weapon of gratuitous fun and bellowed, "Hostile!!"
In a split second, Pinkie was surrounded with her hoof halfway to push the trigger button. Forks and knives were levitated up the air, aiming on her. No one, not even the Royal Guards expected this, let alone saw them moved.
The lively event suddenly went silent, as if every pony held their breath.
Princess Celestia jumps in between, using her magic to counter levitate their culinary weapons. "Alicorns! Stand down. This pony is a friendly."
Link to the fanfiction:
One alicorn spotted her weapon of gratuitous fun and bellowed, "Hostile!!"
In a split second, Pinkie was surrounded with her hoof halfway to push the trigger button. Forks and knives were levitated up the air, aiming on her. No one, not even the Royal Guards expected this, let alone saw them moved.
The lively event suddenly went silent, as if every pony held their breath.
Princess Celestia jumps in between, using her magic to counter levitate their culinary weapons. "Alicorns! Stand down. This pony is a friendly."
Link to the fanfiction:
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1181x1748px 338.55 KB
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Soshite, toki wa ugoki dasu.