Deviation Actions
Queen Chrysalis: *has been chained up inside a dark, cold, gloomy, green eerie looking cave by Princess Celestia's guards after being beaten mercilessly, leaving several wounds and injuries, especially the holes on her body as Chrysalis was a lot younger back then and it was centuries before the wedding takeover, the poor changeling Queen growled quietly in anger and pain as gooey green blood was bleeding from her wounds, she already became evil after she lost her big family and the only friends she ever had as a young changeling when hateful, genocidal ponies attacked her home, but this was really what made her snap and stopped caring for ponies and other creatures outside her own race, she used to feel so sorry for ponykind because of their nature of feeding on love but now not anymore, many of her changelings were either imprisoned/chained up like her too in other caves or killed, she snarled with a cold, vengeful scowl* I wanted to help you ponies because I felt so sorry for you for what you had to go through because of our nature. Then when some of your own came and took my family and friends plus so many of my other fellow changelings away and had my home burned down, I tried to takeover your precious world peacefully and being merciful on your loved ones, but this is the last straw! Someday I will make you all pay dearly and suffer greatly for the pain and misery you caused me and my changelings, even if it means destroying everything you all love and hold dear! I'm done being nice and peaceful to ponykind!