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Nekotalia: Turkey shimeji

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At last, it's done ;u;

So here's Turkat, up for download.

Download's here:
RAR: [link]
zip: [link]

1. Download files
2. Extract the files with either winRAR or winzip
(3.) If you downloaded the zip one, you need to find the folder called conf, this folder contains two xml documents, whose names need to be changed to 動作 and 行動
4. Double click shimeji.exe
5. Done :dummy:

Nekotalia to do list
-Itabby [link]
-Prussia [link]
-Canada [link]
-Russia [link]
-South Korea [link]
-Austria [link]
-Norway [link]
-Denmark [link]
-Germany [link]
-Turkey You're here

Hetalia belongs to Himaruya
Image size
595x265px 136.09 KB
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s-aray's avatar
Turcat is so smol and chubby X3 That's why he's my favorite from Nekotalia and APH