Read our rules. I'm too busy now to tell everyone submitting to write a critique, so here're the rules in a nutshell:
"Thank you for your interest in submitting a deviation to our gallery. As the rules state, we require a
Critique for a Critique. This means that you must critique something in our
gallery before your submission will be accepted. We do have a few rules though which
must be adhered to:
It must be at
least 100 words long. (All premium critiques require this as well).
cannot critique something which is in the first 10 pieces of our gallery. (This is to ensure that older pieces get critiqued).
Our critique template
must be used. You can find it on our homepage.
must be written in English.
If the piece you are critiquing has the official deviantart critique feature enabled, please use that and the appropriate template from the front page.
Once you've completed your critique, link us to it here and, assuming it meets all requirements, we shall accept it!
Kind regards,
UnCritic team."
Want to join the
UnCritic team? Lemme know below.