UncannyAsianGirl's avatar


2 Watchers3 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

  • United States
  • Deviant for 18 years
  • She / Her
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (1)
My Bio
Current Residence: Southern Cali-for-ni-a!
Favourite genre of music: Anything as long as it doesn't have someone screaming into a mic. o_O
Operating System: Windows XP... hahaha, XP
Shell of choice: Sea shells, I love the sea!
Wallpaper of choice: Paint looks better on walls than wallpaper. ~_^
Skin of choice: Chicken, it's yummy
Favourite cartoon character: Characters from super hero cartoons, various anime
Personal Quote: Look! My own personal quote! *gasp*

Favourite Visual Artist
I <3 the Renaissance! Comic book artists, yay!
Favourite Movies
I like action, adventure, and comedy the most!
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
90s rock bands, ladies with guitars. Pretty general, I know. =P
Favourite Writers
Dickinson, Poe, Comic book writers, other people
Favourite Games
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
My computer.. I guess
Other Interests
Lots that are uninteresting, and comic books

First day here.

0 min read
After wandering around for the better part of... 3 years, it's finally happened. I've got my own account! Why now, you may ask? I'm not much of an artist when it comes to pen and paper, so I thought that I couldn't possibly have anything to put up here. Well, I was looking around Deviant art when I came across ~Lady-Reaper's (http://lady-reaper.deviantart.com/gallery/) &nbsp;gallery, and saw, to my surprise; that you CAN upload animated Music videos onto here. So here I am. =P I won't be doing much today because I have a killer 7 page assignment due tomorrow, at most I'll put up something you could poke around at. So... that's about it. I'll s
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Profile Comments 6

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Hey love your stuff, escpecialy the Motorcycle one, which I'm faving by the way.
Yo hey, thanks for the fav, and welcome to DA 8-)
Hello! Welcome to DA! Enjoy your deviant days, and thanx 4 da fave!
Wow y' jes joined today! :hug: Welcome welcome! :D

Thanks fer the :+fav: And i will totally suggest checkin out =Ludi-Price's gallery. Chock full of Xmen goodness :D

Enjoy yah stay here :D
Welcome to :devart: hope you'll enjoy it here :hug:
If you'd need help, feel free to ask... =)
Wow, thanks for the welcome. ^_^ I'm pretty much figuring things out on my own right now, it's so much fun. =D I don't know if I'll have anything up that you'd like, but I did check out your gallery. Nice pictures, they're so dark and edgy. Nice to meet ya!