Umbrella-Duelists's avatar


YGO Cosplayers of the PNW unite!
Years Ago
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anonymous's avatar
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You're getting a lot of cosplayers not from the Pacific Northwest region submitting their cosplay pictures. They're even included in cosplay groups that are for other regions.

I was pretty sure this group isn't for just any Yugioh cosplay, it's just for local Pacific Northwest stuff. You might want to make a journal and clarify and remind people. There are a lot of great cosplayers, but I get my hopes up thinking I'll be able to meet them at one of the local conventions only to find out they're not even from here.
We do have a few special cases (~KatsuyaKaiba, =slifertheskydragon, etc.). But there is also the fact that we have members that belong to the "branches" that the captains of this group are in charge of. They attend cons & events in the area that the captains live in, and even if they don't attend any of our local cons, it's not a reason to kick anyone out. They are still connected to us... like a family.
awe.. i am sad that i'm from eastern Canada. oh well.. maybe i'll find me a group eventualy ^^;
Or even better, make your own! Do whatever your heart leads you to... ^o^
i would but i don't know any yugioh cosplayers from my end XD but s'ok.
What if you're from the South and you cosplay YGO?
South of where? It has to be technically the Pacific Northwest, btw. Washington, Oregon, Idaho, southern British Columbia, and northern California.