Zorro the CheerleaderUmbraeCalamitas on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/umbraecalamitas/art/Zorro-the-Cheerleader-134280733UmbraeCalamitas

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Zorro the Cheerleader



In the Pokemon RPG I play on, my character, Tuesday, has a riolu she named Zorro. Zorro is a mischievous prankster to the very end, but he's also always there for Tuesday when she needs him.

During a particularly trying time for her, Zorro tried to cheer her up while she was watching a friend's gym battle, by dressing up in a cheerleading outfit and doing a number of stunts.

Although he hasn't since tried that technique, he still carries the outfit with him everywhere, along with the pirate hat that will make a later appearance.

The design on the front of the outfit may be the symbol of the school, or perhaps a testament to his fellow pokemon, Tempest the pikachu. Only Zorro knows for sure.

Drawn by hand, colored using Gimp 2.6.
Image size
350x448px 225.27 KB
© 2009 - 2025 UmbraeCalamitas
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