Growing up together Ultimatebrawlers on DeviantArt

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Growing up together



(The story begins with Lindsay helping Tails with his invention)

Tails: ok Linsady,insert the golden mega mushroom!

Lindsay: on it (places the mushroom in the machine)

Tails:ok,time to go big,say cheese!


(A laser form the machine hits the two 3rd graders grew to continental size)

Tails:works like a charm, hey,I can see all of south island form this size!

(Tails relies Lindsay not there)

Lindsay: (lifts up Tail's right tail off her) I down here!

Tails:what happened,we should have grown to the same size

(Suddenly,Lindsay feels something)

Tails:you ok?

(Lindsay then rapidly grows,even out growing Tails)


Lindsay:ahhh,this feels so good~

(Lindsay growth came to a stop)

Lindsay:phew,I thought I was gonna outgrow the whole planet!


(Lindsay turn around and relies she grew so big that the whole planet was a size of a watermelon compare to her)

Lindsay:hehe,I guess I did!

(The end)

Tails is own by Sega

Lindsay is own by Jupiter9099

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Cbaca08's avatar

Tails: Your even huge then before Lindsay