White furry thingyUlltotten on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ulltotten/art/White-furry-thingy-157880494Ulltotten

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Ulltotten's avatar

White furry thingy



This is my first ever wool sculpture that has fur! fun to make, but it´s been a lot of experimenting on this one, as I couldn´t find any explanation on how to make furry stuff with wool...

But anyway, this guy is about 20cm tall, and has a wire armature covered with wool. He can move into any pose due to the flexible wire. But the very best part; the eyes glow in the dark :D
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3074x4640px 3.51 MB
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creaturesofwhimsy's avatar
How DID you make it furry? I can't find anything on it. Can you please tell us? 😅