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Passage of Courtship:
Name/Import Image: DA import
Prompt #/Image (The Beginning): (Prompt # and link to the image.)
Prompt #/Image (Internal Instinct): (Prompt # and link to the image.)
Additional Extras: (Any additional images or Literature present.)
Is there a bonus prompt present?: (Yes/No)
Previous Attempt(s):
Level 2 - Integrity:
Name/Import Image:DA import
Felvargs Tracker: (Onsite Tracker Link)
Prompt #/Description: (Prompt # and description.)
Completed Image: (Link)
Previous Attempt(s):
Level 3 - Knowledge:
Name/Import Image:DA import
Felvargs Tracker: (Onsite Tracker Link)
Prompt #/Description: (Prompt # and description.)
Completed Image: (Link)
Previous Attempt(s):
Level 4 - Vigilance:
Name/Import Image:DA import
Felvargs Tracker: (Onsite Tracker Link)
Prompt #/Description: (Prompt # and description.)
Completed Image: (Link)
Previous Attempt(s):
Level 5 - Intuition:
Name/Import Image: DA import
Felvargs Tracker: (Onsite Tracker Link)
Prompt #/Description: (Prompt # and description.)
Completed Image: (Link)
Previous Attempt(s):
Level 6 - Passage of Fortitude:
Name/Import Image: DA import
Felvargs Tracker: (Onsite Tracker Link)
Reputation - Respected: (Link)
Competition/1v1 Win, 6 unique Storybook Prompts, or 6 unique Quest Prompts: (Link)
Updated Import: (Level 6 Background)
Prompt #/Description: (Prompt # and description.)
Path Chosen: (Freyja's Balance/Fenrir's Light/Loki's Darkness)
Completed Image: (Link)
Requested Custom Title:
Previous Attempt(s):
Cache: Import Database Updates
Cache: Ownership Transfers
Trick or Treat 2024
Breeding: Submit Breedings
Name/Import Image: Svarog 7240
Prompt #/Image (The Beginning): PoC The Biginning - Fall's Greeting
Prompt #/Image (Internal Instinct): PoC Internal Instinct - Starstruck
Additional Extras:
- Extra 01
- Extra 02
Is there a bonus prompt present?: Yes
Previous Attempts: