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Deviation Actions
The Post Directory
Please comment here to obtain a randomly rolled common geno! Please be mindful that we use a special generator to create COMMON genotypes.
Reputations - Task Completion
Nadhir - Peace
Faegir - War
Visindi - Knowledge
Setja - Power
The Post Directory
You may only submit 1 Reputation form per comment.
This journal is strictly for reputation prompts that DO NOT have a DEPICT or LITERATURE requirement. This thread is meant for locate based prompts only, that do not have additional completion steps.
This thread is also used for the following items:
Elixir of Time, Flask of Hysteria, and Scroll of Helvallian Favor.
Reputation Form
Name/Import Image:
Felvargs Tracker: (link)
Clan: (nadhir/faegir/setja/visindi)
Task Name:
Locations of Items & Scroll: Cache
Proof of Completion: (link admin comments that declare the item to be located by a specific Felvarg)
Hierarchy Updates: Passage of Courtship
The Post Directory
Please fill out the following form when responding.
Name/Import Image: DA import
Prompt #/Image (The Beginning): (Prompt # and link to the image.)
Prompt #/Image (Internal Instinct): (Prompt # and link to the image.)
Additional Extras: (Any additional images or Literature present.)
Is there a bonus prompt present?: (Yes/No)
Level One - Passage of Courtship:
Passage of Courtship is a set of two trials that each Felvarg must complete before participating in breeding/unlocking slots.\
Images must be submitted by the Felvargs official owner.
BOTH images in the trial must be completed before submitting them to be judged.
STOP! Be sure to provide a form on your completed entry, so it is present when you submit your EXP to be locked.
Breeding: Slot Permissions
The Post Directory
Sire/Dam Owner/Slot Approval:
Please tag the player in which you're giving the slot permission to, as well as include relevant details to your arrangement.
Please provide an official import link to the Felvarg, of the slot you're permitting.
Each Felvarg participating in breeding must have completed its Passage of Courtship and be legally able to breed by group standards. (It is against group rules to sell/trade/or write a slot to a Felvarg that does not have its Passage of Courtship.)
Hiding a permissions comment after receiving your half of the agreed-upon goods is against the group's rules and is punishable.
Each comment may only contain 1x permission to only a single Felvarg. If you wish to write multiple permission, please create multiple comments.
EXAMPLE: Felvargs has permission for 1 full slot to Bjorn 1. (No inbreeding)
Each member can receive POTL from only a single split alongside their usual 3 breeding
Cache: Import Updates
The Post Directory
Please supply the following form:
Link to Official Import Image:
Changes to be made:
Import Updates
Players may alter certain aspects of their Felvarg. Name/Nickname, Height, Weight, Personality and Reference sheet.
Players have a limit of 300-400 words for personalities in Import Updates.
© 2022 - 2025 Ulfrheim
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Hello! May I get my first time pup please! <3