Deviation Actions
Name: Finna
Name: Finna
ID #: 6707
Health Status: Healthy
Owner: @Katakire
Breeder: @Katakire
Species: @Felvargs
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Height: 145cm
Weight: 745lbs
Build: Standard
Coat Type: Curly
Genotype: ss/Cr/br/bk/Ol/Sp/Hl/Ps/Tk/Dt/Bc/Fro
Phenotype: Frost Cream with Overlay, Splash, Highlight, Pinstripes, Ticked, Dusted, Bicolored
Physical Mutations: Flopped Ears
Hierarchy Level: 1/6
Passage of Courtship: 2/2
Pack: Ulvenshul
Handcrafted Sword - 25% chance to return an additional item while Tracking.
Prismatic Crescent Thorn - Remove the ability to fail any and all group activities and remove the level requirement to participate in Helvalla.
The Roots of Yggdrasil - Increases the chance you return with more valuable items when traversing Jormungandr by 5%.
Leather Leg Guards - 5% chance to return more valuable items while tracking.
Import Background Set(s): The Wild Hollow
Black Wolf - Provides a 10% chance to return with more valuable items while participating in Jörmungandr.
Black Sheep - Provides a 5% chance to return a flask while participating in Jörmungandr.
Black Cat - Provides a 5% chance to return with more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Black Dragon - Provides a small chance to trigger special events while participating in all group activities.
Skill - Provides a chance to pass the Persistence trait to all offspring.
Blessing of the High Queen - Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while Adventuring.
Boneyard's Vigilance - Provides a small chance to locate berries in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Bountiful - Increase items located in traditional Ulfrheim base activities from 1-3 to 2-4.
Explorer - Provides a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Helvallian - Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while exploring the lands of Helvalla.
Loki's Curse - Increases the chance that your offspring will inherit a random nonhereditary mutation.
Spirit of Helvalla - Provides a 5% chance to return with more valuable items while traversing Helvalla.
Traveler - Provides a chance to return a randomly rolled Ulfrheim activity satchel or chest while exploring Helvalla.
Venturesome - Provides a +5% chance to return with more valuable items while depicted outside of Ulfrheim.
Fellowship - Allow a Felvarg to be depicted beside you in any group activity, regardless of their level, and also return rewards.
Import Database: 6707
Personality Traits: N/A
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SSS: Unknown
–––––––––––––––SS: Unknown
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SSD: Unknown
Sire: Bjorn 1
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SDS: Unknown
–––––––––––––––SD: Unknown
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SDD: Unknown
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––DSS: Unknown
–––––––––––––––DS: Unknown
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––DSD: Unknown
Dam: Unknown
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––DDS: Unknown
–––––––––––––––DD: Unknown
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––DDD: Unknown
Copyright: @Kissing & @Captain-Bird