SWGTCG: Adaptive Biologyukitakumuki on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ukitakumuki/art/SWGTCG-Adaptive-Biology-280464707ukitakumuki

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SWGTCG: Adaptive Biology



Now that Galaxies is officially defunct, I thought it safe to post some of my favourite illustrations here for posterity sake..!

Working on this franchise for close to 2 years really helped me grow as a creative and allowed me to explore many aspects of the craft-- its not often you get to play the role of illustrator, story-teller and designer within a single commission. It was truly rewarding in hindsight and more often that not, a very humbling experience when you witness the sheer quality and passion of other fellow creatives working on the same project, really inspires you to stretch yourself beyond the usual bounds!
© LECL & LFL and SOE.

...If it bleeds... we can kill it :nod::fear:
Image size
1200x1200px 559.24 KB
© 2012 - 2025 ukitakumuki
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