Current Residence: Singapore
Favourite genre of music: OSTs
Favourite photographer: Natgeo photojournalists
Wallpaper of choice: Black and Clean
Favourite cartoon character: Starscream
Personal Quote: Understand your limits, but never limit your understanding!
Happy Birthday! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Happy Birthday! *<: D
I've been watching your work for a long time, for over a decade. It's been great.
Then I found out recently that you're doing the art to one of the ONLY games I'm utterly hyped for: The Forever Winter. It's literally everything I've wanted in a setting to the point where some of my friends ASKED me if I had a hand in it because it's precisely like the sort of dark fiction I have wanted for so long.
To say I'm a fan isn't even what I want to say. No. Honestly, I think I can do better:
Thank you. I mean it, THANK YOU. Great art is one thing, but to me you're going beyond simply being a great artist. You're giving something, and guys like me appreciate it. So that's really what I want to say: THANK YOU.
so, anyway what's your thoughts about a robotic dinosaur tank?
um hello...so is it ok if a I ask you a question?
Great Artist Great Gallery
Thank you for so many wonderful works set in war-filled futures and I especially love the 40k and power armored soldiers fighting in war-torn battlefield moments!