UDON is taking fan art submissions for STREET FIGHTER VS DARKSTALKERS!
How would you like to have your fighting game fan art printed in an upcoming issue of the STREET FIGHTER VS DARKSTALKERS comic series!? We’re looking for some epic tribute artwork for these two fan favorite franchises! So sharpen your pencils, warm up your drawing tablets, and show us your love for STREET FIGHTER and DARKSTALKERS!
Rules and notes:
- artwork must feature at least one character from both the STREET FIGHTER and DARKSTALKERS video game series.
- you may not include characters from other Capcom or non-Capcom games/properties
- you may not include your own original characters
- artwork may be sexy but no nudity please
- artwork should not feature alcohol, smoking, or drug use.
- by submitting your artwork, you are giving UDON permission to publish it in an issue of Street Fighter VS Darkstalkers publishing in 2017. along with
your name or pseudonym
- your country and state.
- your website(if provided)
- please feel free to show off your submission online any time! We'd love if you add the hastag #SFvsDScomic
- all art styles are welcome
- have fun!
- artwork submission deadline is March 1st, 2017
You can submit your artwork using the submission form on the UDON blog: