cold winds, warm sunriseuchuubranko on DeviantArt

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cold winds, warm sunrise



Toki no suna kazoeteta, nani mo shirazu ni
Itsuwari no yume no naka, kotoba ushinau

The sands of time are being counted, and what more do I know?
In the middle of a false dream, the words were lost
(Juuni Kokki ending theme :[link])

The second from my "no Return", a series of drawings with those two unknown personages in snowy landscapes. :woohoo:
first one >>
the series is inspired by >>~{Juuni Kokki/Twelve Kingdoms} and {Seirei no Moribito/ Guardian of the Spirit}
Recently, people have seen two distant figures wandering from mountain to mountain. There is a masked woman that looks like a warrior from the imperial palace,
and a white beast known to be used in battles. They appear as distant, lone figures, through the blizzards of the highest mountains.
Who they are? What is their destination? For what are their souls searching? How much will they wander in the frozen lands?
No one knows.

I want to say that the only thing I'm proud enough to cry are the mountains! I love drawing mountains!!:iconaaahhplz: And I also tried a long exposure/wide view thing but...I fail''OTL//
And the animal is weirdly proportioned on purpose. I-it's not an excuse...:iconlazepoolplz:
I would be honoured if you'd use it as wallpaper! :love:huge size!:la:

I wanted it to have the feeling of "freedom, cold air, winter sunrise" I hope you like it.:thanks::heart:
Image size
3000x2000px 2.77 MB
© 2012 - 2025 uchuubranko
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dragonwarsro's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Impact

First of all-My goodness i was hoping you would draw these two again soon. This is a beautiful piece, you have captured the crisp and awe-inspiring setting in a beautiful style and-being an enthusiastic watcher of yours- i am not surprised. Your talent shows through well here.
If i were to give a critique though, there would be a few things i would say. However, they are simply suggestions, i feel there is no need to point you in the right direction since you are already facing it... If that makes sense <img src="…" width="19" height="21" alt=":lmao:" title="Laughing my ass off!"/>
My first suggestion concerns the aurora in the corner of the picture. While it is beautiful, and definitely adds to the atmosphere of the picture, i feel it is merely... doing its job. Maybe if you made it more attention-grabbing or added hints of other aurora lines it would bring out the detail more. I do realise that it is still daylight in the picture; of course the aurora would not be as obvious as night, so if this is why it is not as striking please do forgive me.
The beasts tail-another suggestion of course-i think would be better flowing behind it, to give movement instead of a still feeling. It seems like the person is walking but the beast it not, where as when the tail is ignored it seems they are both walking.
The tail is quite beautiful though. I love all the flowing fluff~~
The curvature of the piece is also wonderful, at full view especially it really draws one in to the scene. It seems like such a daring move, most people opt for the straight horizon (whether from fear or knowing theyre unable) but you have definitely pulled this off.
The mountains are incredible too! The absolute only thing i could suggest about them is to add a little more variation? I cant suggest how though, youve made a spectacular scene.
On the rating:
Vision and technique are pretty self explanatory.
Originality-While it is quite common to see scenes like this (snow, ice, adventurer sort of thing) i think youve brought a fresh new look to it with both your style, unique characters and skill.
Impact-The impact would be described on the first half of the critique.

All in all-well, wow. There's a reason we love your art work :'I As im sure ive probably told you before, you have great talent (or is it hard-work payed off?) with colours and their usage, and a great technique that works flawlessly with your style. Your anatomy and composition are beautiful and well
Youre awesome?
xD I hope that is ok. For some reason my English has ah... deteriorated recently. If you want me to clarify anything i have no problem doing so :'I

ALSO ps i will so use this was my wallpaper if my computer doesnt ruin it with its super-widescreenness