Winners of Sunsets and Sunrises Contest !

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Congratulations to the winners of the Sunsets and Sunrises Contest! Thanks to everyone for their support and cooperation ! :heart: To the ones who didn't win, I wish you better luck in the future :)

I wish to apologize for the delay in announcing the winners, because I was away for a while, but I do hope you like the winning photographs! We will also double the points gifted to each winner :)

:bulletgreen: Contest Details
:bulletgreen: All Entries

:winner: First Place: :winner:

Tree of Lite by Miguel-Santos

"Very lovely mist atmosphere and great attempt at backlighting." ~ uae4u

"Atmosphere is amazing here and good positioning with the sun." ~ 3wyl

:star: More from Miguel-Santos :iconmiguel-santos:

:star: Prizes:
:bulletgreen: Art print of the first winner's entry (free to choose: frame and size) :gallery:
:bulletgreen: 2000 4000 points :points:

:winner: Second Place: :winner:

.: Tagus :. by hugogracaphotography

"Execution is amazing, but what really stands out here is the composition and how everything within the frame has its own place and use.. I feel like the artist has used space well here." ~ 3wyl

:star: More from hugogracaphotography :iconhugogracaphotography:

:star: Prizes:
:bulletgreen: Photo print of the second winner's entry (size limit: 20 x 30 in) :gallery:
:bulletgreen: 1000 2000 points :points:

:winner: Third Place: :winner:

Field At Sunset by comsic

"I really like this one because it's relaxing on the eyes and the lines lead you to look at the sky. They sky is wonderful and the levels of clouds at different colours decorate the sky fantastically." ~ dandelion-field

:star: More from comsic :iconcomsic:

:star: Prizes:
:bulletgreen: Photo print of the second winner's entry (size limit: 16 x 24 in) :gallery:
:bulletgreen: 500 1000 points :points:

:star: Honorable Mentions: :star:

Fading Light by Brian-B-Photography :bigthumb372766417: Jurassic-Park by A2Matos :bigthumb423597743: Early Morning, 2013 by Cattarb Saline dello Stagnone by Francy-93 Hillarys Marina Sunset (2) by MayEbony

:bulletorange: All Winners will recieve: :bulletorange:

:bulletgreen: Journal Feature from SkyAndNatureClub This-isthe-life WeReallyLovePhotos serel FrancescaDelfino

Stamps and Credits

SkyAndNatureClub_StampContest2 by NanaPHOTOGRAPHY Sky and Nature Club by Fyona
by NanaPHOTOGRAPHY  &  Fyona

* Donating :points: to this group is greatly appreciated (Donation pool) :hug:

* If you have any suggestions or ideas for this group, please contact us :aww:

Enjoy and Have Fun In This Group !! :D

Journal skin by GinkgoWerkstatt
Club Avatar by JenniElfi

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hugogracaphotography's avatar
Thank you so much for featuring me!!
It's truly an honour!!
Best wishes :hug: