Your Money is DeliciousTyvridKizuna on DeviantArt

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Your Money is Delicious



There's this game out there on mobile devices called Puzzle and Dragons. It's kind of like a mix of Pokemon and Bejeweled. You go through different dungeons with a team of monsters you collect and level them up to create stronger ones while collecting new team members from fights. Made by Gungho, this game is simple yet fairly deep in its gameplay. There are themed dungeons, timed events, and plenty of things to fight. One of the drawbacks is the reliance on stronger rare monsters with good skills that can be obtained from the Rare Egg Machine. It's a gold gacha-type pull where you randomly get a monster. Sometimes, you can get a super rare god and other times you can get garbage in the form of blue eggs which are common basic monsters. The game is notorious among its player base for "trolling" REM pullers with junk monsters, even during events where rare drops are boosted. Since the game is free to play, the currency for the REM can also be bought, which can lead to expensive unfortunate ends. Having been trolled by the REM (which looks like a gold dragon), I made this picture to capture the perceived malicious spirit of this digital money vacuum. Still, the game can be enjoyed without dropping money into it but beware. The gold dragon constantly hungers for your money...

Update: This design can now be bought on shirts over at Redbubble! It's up on Drakenwrath Designs' page here:…
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© 2014 - 2025 TyvridKizuna
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GC82807's avatar
This is the most annoyingly truthful drawings ever. May Golems and Toy Dragons assist you during your PAD experiance. XD