feature + rant

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Tyuki-san's avatar
:wave: First off I would like to say happy 2011! I don't know if I will be able to post tomorrow so at least I can say I posted :D

First off, I'm really confussed. :/ I submitted a new deviation: blue velvet by Tyuki-san I actually thought it was pretty good, but numerous people are telling me that it's horrible :cries: When I edit a picture I get hardly any feedback, and when I do nothing to them that's when I get more faves and comments, but when it's to say it's not good enough... I just don't know anymore. Everyone here likes different things. I tried to submit it to 3 different groups (all for photography) and they declined. When I asked why, they all said that the exposure was horrible, the background was too depressing, it wasn't focused, the edges of the flower were cut off, the background conflicted with the flower, the dA watermark was distracting, and the color wasn't bright enough D: I don't know what to do anymore, especially when they don't want heavily edited work! :censored: On other photos I have been told my watermark is distracting so I thought I would try the dA one, but it's still distracting. How in the heck are we supposed to protect our work if every other person tells you it's distracting. *let's out big sigh* I wonder if anyone else is having issues with this :/ oh well. I do want to thank the peoples that actually like my work :heart: Critisism is always good but I would rather it be brought onto me in layers. :)

On a lighter note!

Here's a small feature for the new year :D

last glow by illusionality IN MY INNERMOST BEING by ArwenArts
Nurture by jdaoen Is Love Alive? by raemarshall
:thumb190715804: Rain, Rain, Go Away. by LoraDoerfer

Points feature:


You're holding my heart by MrsClarify I L O V E P A R I S by MrsClarify
Old texture by MrsClarify Colourful textures by MrsClarify
Angelical by MrsClarify:thumb171152483:
:thumb170878964: Merry Christmas by MrsClarify

Silent Story Of Love by sesam-is-open Good Thoughts Are White by sesam-is-open
Do not forget to offer me by sesam-is-open Unforgettable by sesam-is-open
Immaculate by sesam-is-open The Scent Of Love by sesam-is-open
Catch Me When I Flow by sesam-is-open I Wish You Were Here by sesam-is-open
True Dreams Never Die by sesam-is-open Forever In Love by sesam-is-open
Tranquility by sesam-is-open Somewhere by sesam-is-open

Kansas Flinthills by Taures-15 The Last Roses of Summer by Taures-15
Flower Valley by Taures-15 Short Point of View by Taures-15
Awesome Sky by Taures-15 Some Pieces of My World by Taures-15
Wrong Turn in the Fog. by Taures-15 New Home by Taures-15
Spring is Sprung by Taures-15 Radiant Sunrise by Taures-15
Icy Sunrise by Taures-15 Ice to the Horizon by Taures-15

Thanks for reading!

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sesam-is-open's avatar
I'm speechless!:dance::dance:
Thank you very much and I wish you a wonderful New Year!:tighthug: