Fan Buttons

3 min read

Deviation Actions

TyTrance's avatar

Hey it's  me again and I'm here to tell everyone that im now doing fan buttons. They only cost  5 points.

Just write what you want one the button, eg:
Text:  (Ex. Acerome Fan, Ty Trance Fan  )
And make sure you've paid the correct amount of :points: to the donation pool , otherwise you won't get your button. (1 button = 5 :points: points)

here are some samples: #OtherPalooza Fan Button by TyTrance Berry Punch Fan Button by TyTrance

Update 3/31/2013*
send this information to me in a private message.
there is a commissions box for a 2 pack which cost 10 point. If you decided to order more than one  I would prefer the payments is sent via the commissions box order so it will be much simpler to keep track of but it will be still be accepted in the donation pool.

Update #2 3/31/2013*
Here are more samples: Commission: Soarin Fan Button by TyTrance Commission: Princess Celestia Fan Button by TyTrance Commission: Queen Chrysalis Fan Button by TyTrance Commission: King Sombra Fan Button by TyTrance Scratte Fan Button by TyTrance Commission: Queen Chrysalis Lover Button by TyTrance

Update: *1/12/14*
*Understand that not following the  instructions on submitting the information to me may result in the button  not being made.
*please consider that I dont not really give a set time on when the button will be completed. usually with everything I have to in life it usually takes a week. if it takes longer than that Please contact me about your order. 
© 2013 - 2024 TyTrance
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VioleChann's avatar
are you still doing commissions? :0