Konqi ver.2TysonTan on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/tysontan/art/Konqi-ver-2-494267237TysonTan

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Konqi ver.2



Project: KDE, free and open-source software community www.kde.org/
Character: Konqi,
mascot of KDE and other KDE Dragons, mascots of the KDE Community
Konqi the little dragon is the mascot of KDE, a free and open source software community since 1996. It hosts projects from software frameworks, desktop environment to various applications. My primary digital painting tool, Krita, is one of their work.

This is my re-design based on Stefan Spatz’s former one. If you are interested, also see my initial design vision when I won the re-design contest.

Now the design has been refined, giving Konqi a cuter face, less sharp-looking antlers, longer, meaty limbs to do various poses and a more elastically looking tail. The color palette received small tweaks to make the outlines look lighter. I’m going to need a long time to create all his friends though!

Download the larger size:

HUGE! Use Right-click > save as!

I hope you like my new design! :)

This collection of pictures is licensed under Creative Commons BY-SA /GNU GPL / LGPL /GFDL. I hereby donate them along with the design concept to KDE, so there won’t be any copyright issues that might hold them back. (Just in case!)

Special thanks to Stefan Spatz, the original designer. I deliberately based my new design on his former one, showing the continuity of spirit.

Also, special thanks to Jos Poortvliet who requested me for stock pictures, leading to the creation of these pictures.

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3125x3125px 2.32 MB
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I love this. I use linux but unfortunately for my art i use krita on windows 11 cos i need windows for school. But it is awesome and your work is awesome.