Konqi, Katie and FriendsTysonTan on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/tysontan/art/Konqi-Katie-and-Friends-355790081TysonTan

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Konqi, Katie and Friends



Project: KDE, free and open-source software community www.kde.org/
Character: Konqi,
mascot of KDE and other KDE Dragons, mascots of the KDE Community
This is my entry to Konqui Krita Contest krita.org/item/122-konqui-krit… , a contest to renew the design for Konqui(Konqi) the Dragon, the mascot of KDE. KDE en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE is an important community of the Free Software Movement www.fsf.org/ . Krita, the application I'm using as my primary drawing program, is developed within KDE.

To my greatest surprise, my design was chosen! It's really an honor to be allowed to contribute artwork to the project that have helped me since the day I came to use GNU/Linux!

The contest required only Konqi, but I've also designed a revised version of Katie, his girl friend. A whole variation of KDE dragons are also added to represent various participants in the KDE community. Their antlers simply show their roles in KDE development. Examples of antler are explained on the footer, covering roles which were mentioned in the KDE "about" dialogue. This shall be the first time most people see me drawing this style. Hope you like it!

This picture is licensed under GNU LGPL version 2 www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html and later.

forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=… <- Please also have a look at works from other participants! ^^

* Konqi is the official name, Konqui was a communication error.

Software used:
Ubuntu www.ubuntu.com/ Operating System.
Krita krita.org/ Drawing and coloring.
All software I used are free and open sourced. I appreciate all the efforts from their communities.

My Other Works:
The Krita Mascot by TysonTan Sound of the Forest by TysonTan Fox and Rabbit by TysonTan

Follow me on tumblr!
:icontumblrplz: I put my sketches on tumblr. Also feel free to ask me questions there! tysontan.tumblr.com/

Follow me on twitter!
:icontwitterplz: Interested in what I'm doing? Feel free to follow me on twitter! twitter.com/#!/extvia

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Shywindowsperson's avatar

they're so pretty back there