Current Residence: Oslo, Norway
Favourite genres of music: Ambient, Metal, World, Electronica, Chiptunes
Favourite style of art: Dragons and unicorns
Personal Quote: Everything is what you make out of it
Favourite TV Shows
Babylon 5, Buffy, Naruto
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Mike Oldfield, Machinae Supremacy, Gargamel, Nobuo Uematsu, Dark Moor
Favourite Books
The Silmarillion, Harry Potter
Favourite Writers
J.R.R. Tolkien, Roald Dahl, Diana Wynne Jones, Ralph Waldo Emerson
Favourite Games
Final Fantasy VI, Ocarina of Time, Pokémon Yellow, Super Mario World
Favourite Gaming Platform
Amiga 500
Tools of the Trade
Sony Cybershot DSC-H2, the GIMP
Other Interests
Fantasy, nature, music, wisdom