Wendy: DrWhat 04typewriter17 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/typewriter17/art/Wendy-DrWhat-04-670411119typewriter17

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Wendy: DrWhat 04



Wendy Ever After  - 4T - Doctor What (Part 4 of 11)

The Doctor sweeps Wendy off her feet and into his cube…

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Story by The Old Phartt

Art by the Sims 4 from EA/Maxis whose beautiful work is clumsily edited and directed by the author

All of the characters included in these stories are OC’s/property of the author and should not be used without the author’s permission.  (Send me a note, folks.)  Thanks.

There’s a lot of stories to be told about the residents of County Simple.  I’m no kind of artist, but some folks think I tell a pretty mean tale.  Hope you decide to come see what’s happening:

I post four series daily, folks, available in my gallery or just by clicking that WATCH button.  And, if you’re reading this (or even if you’re not) I’m always happy to Watch you if you’ll Watch me.  I pretty often throw in a comment, too.

Here are links to the first episodes of my series:

Magnolia The Witch:  First Picture: Go back to the First Picture

County Simple:  First Picture: Go back to the First Picture

Wendy Ever After:  First Picture: Go back to the First Picture

BROW: First Picture: Go back to the First Picture


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© 2017 - 2025 typewriter17
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