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tymora11's avatar

Abyssal Mermaid



In Dungeons and Dragons cosmology (the original one, before Wizards of the Coast took a weed-whacker to it), the 666 Layers of the Abyss are home to demons, the physical incarnations of chaos and evil. One of the few things linking the Layers to one another consistently is the Abyssal Ocean, the domain of some of the oldest and most powerful demon lords and their minions.
Some of these minions are more beautiful than others, but that doesn't make them less dangerous.

My entry for GrimGloomTale's mermaid contest. I saw "mermaids" and somehow this is where my brain went...

Xtra :hug:s to Colormate, who offered some excellent critique and suggestions for improvement.

Background texture from x-kattywatty.
Brushes for the arm tattoos from
Pattern for the scales is from

Everything else is mine.
Image size
2909x4000px 2.64 MB
© 2015 - 2024 tymora11
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STelari's avatar
I like that you decided to use red based palette instead of the blue common for this kind of themes.