Nebulae TutorialTylerCreatesWorlds on DeviantArt

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Nebulae Tutorial



After numerous requests, I have decided to make a tutorial on how I paint my Nebulae. I did my best to include every part of my process. I'm sure the thing is riddled with spelling and grammar errors. Just ignore those, there's a reason I'm an artist and not a writer.

I hope you all can learn something from this. It took quite sometime to get it done. If you have any questions or are unsure about anything, don't hestiate to ask me.

I've included my custom cloud smudge brush that I use in all my paintings

Get your copy of my painting here
© 2013 - 2024 TylerCreatesWorlds
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In what direction should I use the smudge tool? I've downloaded your brush but I'm struggling to recreate the effect.