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Cratchit and Company



Cratchit & Company
by Garrett Gilchrist
A short novel based on Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol

Now available in paperback at Lulu.com!

Ebook version 99 cents at Amazon.com:

Tiny Tim is dead. Scrooge remains a miserable old miser.

Bob Cratchit, a poor, underpaid clerk at the counting-house of Scrooge and Marley, has lost his youngest son. He is alone and freezing to death on a cold Christmas Eve, when he is visited by three spirits ....

"A wonderful new take on the characters from A Christmas Carol." - Carabosse's Library

"Thought-provoking … Like being given a new dose of Dickens." - Lara Burnett

"Beautifully written, intelligent, bold and a real surprise." - Steven Drachman (Author, The Ghosts of Watt O'Hugh)

The cover art was drawn with pigment pen on five sheets of paper (head, torso, crutch, legs, Marley). I wanted a realistic look but didn't base it closely on any photographs, preferring to make it up for the most part.

Although the story of A Christmas Carol has been told and retold more than just about any story ever written, I felt it was worth exploring the fairly minor character of Bob Cratchit. The story of a wealthy but heartless man finding redemption is a classic one, but few of us are as wealthy as Scrooge, while a great many of us are as poor as Bob Cratchit, or near enough. I saw him as an everyman, a George Bailey perhaps, dealing with very real problems. The story itself is a surreal one. A character piece, and a tearjerker. I didn't attempt to emulate Dickens' writing style and kept my prose relatively light and modern. It's not a great morality tale the way the original was, but it will have you looking at these characters in a different way.

Now available in paperback at Lulu.com!

Ebook version 99 cents at Amazon.com:
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DelinquentDeego's avatar
What it may lack in morality it makes up with a sense of reality. It's easy to think of greater morals when the world isn't trying to choke you but for the rest of us it's not so easy. You just gotta try and survive with whatever happiness you have, and I think that's what you've captured. And I guess that's a kind of moral in itself.