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Extra Long Claws for Eating Star Shaped Leaves



Hee-Ho, howdy everyone! Today I bring you Hyembs the Dragon as well, a Dinosaur! A few people said she would be a "T-rex or Tyrannasorous Rex" or a "Raptor", but nah-nah, she's the funny sloth-like creature known as a "Therizinosaurus" which those goofy dinosaurs are ones I absolutely ADORE- Also, yes, I'll be writing more lore logs next post- HOWEVER, a big HOWEVER, I'm taking a quick breather before we get to the next one! As the next log is about Hunter and it's definitely on the "spooky" side! (Also writing is hard)

Listen, this evolution was always possible, and Hyembs the Dragon doesn't really have a defined setting in comparison to Skin to Scales. She's my mascot, and usually perceived as my internet persona, so lore is the least of my problems. I've just been playing a lot of dinosaur related games like Paleo Pines and Parkasaurus. I mean, I usually hate the "Cozy Game" genre, but uh- if it has dinosaurs in it, I'm usually pretty fine with it. Never could get into the Jurassic Park... World? Games? I'm not sure, I enjoy dinosaurs when they're gigantic silly creatures, similar to how I like most of my Dragons

So, uh- Yeah, Dino-Hyembs, until next time everyone lmfao- this was also me just testing what she would look like, maybe next time you'll see her in a cooler pose or something with this cool dino transformation... thing. (Also enjoy the whacky resolution, whoops!)

Disclaimer and Copyright: These characters involved, and the artwork belongs to me, TwistedHensley. The universe that Hyembs belongs to does not connect to the greater setting I'm working on of "Skin to Scales" and is meant to be a way more cuddly, cute, and adorable setting in comparison to my main works. However, nothing that happens in this realm is to connect to any real-life events and is merely coincidence as well as the names. The general synopsis of "Hyembs the Dragon" is about a colorful, fairy tale dragon created by a mysterious wizard to help defend the land from gigantic and kaiju like monsters. With the sudden vanishing act of her creator, many of the other dragons have left their duties, while Hyembs stays firmly foot as a self-proclaimed guardian of the people.

Other Disclaimer: You are allowed to share my artwork as long as I am credited, but do not upload it anywhere else, edit it and or mark it as your own if that wasn't common sense

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2063x1383px 570.79 KB
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Vakaris777's avatar

Looks like a giant pink female Therizinosaurus to me.